Diane was born and raised on a ranch in Southern Alberta. Literally, she learned to ride before she could walk. At a very early age, she discovered books and from there, writing, and has been obsessed with the printed word ever since. At the age of eight, she began her career as a writer, penning such opuses (opi?) as 'The Dream' and 'The Haunted House'.
First birthday. With siblings and extras
Ranch Life
The Stringam Wagon Train
Much of her time was spent outside, among the horses and animals of the ranch. Mostly getting into trouble. And giving her mother grey hair.
Diane and her Sweetie, Grant, dressed to kill. Really. Please.
Mom and Dad - BD (Before Diane)
Early years
Diane and her Daddy
Diane was the fourth of six children born to Mark and Enes Stringam of Milk River, Alberta, Canada She was fearless when it came to heights and horses and . . . well, just about anything. Except chickens.
Diane - age seven
Marriage and Family
In 1976, she married Grant Tolley, of Fort Macleod, Alberta, Canada, a history major at the University of Lethbridge. They are the parents of six children. Mark, Erik, Duff, Caitlin, Tiana and Tristan. And grandparents to seventeen. Plus.
Diane and Grant love to travel and have explored much of Europe. Everything is fodder to her pen and each new location, a new stage for a new story. When she isn't travelling, reading or writing, she enjoys theatre and movies.